Thursday, 19 September 2013

iOS Apps which I have installed for Generative Music

I went through quite a number of iOS apps and have retained the following for further consideration.

My criteria are for shortlisting the apps are, in order of importance:
1) Free, preferably;
2) Must generate music procedurally;
3) Must save out to midi or wave file;
4) Must not have restrictions on use of output content (the music).

Cycler3D Free - not an easy interface to learn; still figuring out what to do inside this generator.

Poly Synthesizer with low delay - nice alternative interface to making sounds

Midi Tool -  still figuring out what to do inside this.

MidiPads Lite  - still figuring out what to do inside this.

iRockPlayer - still figuring out what to do inside this.

Ministepz - matrix-based boom-chik boom-chik drumkit groove creator

Arix-303 - matrix-based retro-synth groove creator

Sound Zen - matrix-based groove creator

2billionsongs - keeps crashing at this time !

TrueChords - for when I pretend to play the guitar again

HexaSound - I actually played a duet with a family member using their own installed version ! Unusual interface, easy to get used to. A sweet app !

Sweet Midi - I needed a virtual midi device on my iPad.

TEFView - works using TEF format files, shows scores.

Utakaell - Midi playback (among other formats)

PatternMusic - not an easy interface to learn; I am still figuring out what to do with this generator.

BeatWave - matrix-based sound generator; needs a bit of patience to figure out what sounds are assigned to which matrix cell.

Bucephalus - nice crunchy rock guitar sounds; randomly-generated based on physics and gravity.  Learning slope.

Musync - generates sounds from collisions of graphical components on screen; physics based; I am still figuring out how I can use this.

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